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mystical momma tribe 
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Mystical Momma Tribe Gathering 
Find Your Tribe 

Depth Psychotherapist & Artist Momma

  • SoulShip Momma Connection 

  • SoulShip Parenting = Intuitive Parenting 

  • Artistic | Creativity Exploration 

  • Landing in our Bodies after becoming a momma

  • Identity 

  • Bring Your Children: how to intergrate into our lives 

  • Connection w Divine Feminine \ Wild One

  • Part Play, Part Decompression, Part Connection 

Form your Own Tribe 6 or more to set gathering

  • Reconnect in Nature 

  • No Toys

  • Just A Blanket 

  • 1 hour 

  • Donation based 


Creativity in all forms! This mystical momma launches a whole new paradigm interpreting soul ship journey w our little ones. I’m a artists, momma, depth psychotherapist integrating what and who I am as a momma! It’s transformed my choices and values! 

Mystical momma Tribe honors the magic mothers inherited when having a child. This embodiment has forever changed my cellular makeup. I love & see the world w new eyes. Still an artists & depth psychotherapist connects me to the momma I never could have predicted.

First Meeting Sept 19th, Weds @  1 PM LA or call 415-571-0682 to reserve space. 

First Meeting Sept 19th, Weds @  1 PM LA

© 2022 by Tonya Meeks. 

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